An alle Mitreisenden dieses Planeten, Wir freuen uns und sind stolz, die erste Edition des Nations of Legends Festival in der schönen Schweiz anzukündigen. Es geht wieder los! In den Jahren zuvor...
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An alle Mitreisenden dieses Planeten, Wir freuen uns und sind stolz, die erste Edition des Nations of Legends Festival in der schönen Schweiz anzukündigen. Es geht wieder los! In den Jahren zuvor fand hier in Bergün Filisur auf dem Platz das One Love Festival statt. Das sind wahrlich große Fußstapfen, zum Glück helfen viele Gesichter aus der alten Mannschaft bei unserem Projekt. Unser Nations of Legends Festivalteam vereint in einem Schmelztiegel aus vielen Ländern ebenso viele herrliche Ideen. Lasst euch einfach überraschen! In unserem ersten Jahr finden wir uns also am Fusse des Dorfes Filisur im Gebiet Frevgias mit seiner wunderschönen Bergflora und dem Fluss Albula wieder. Der malerische Fluss fliesst mitten durch unser Festival und bietet tolle Wasserstellen. Die Mappings, Installationen und Dekorationen sollen euch staunen und träumen lassen. To all of our fellow travelers on this earth, We are proud and delighted to present the first edition of the Nations of Legends Festival in lovely Switzerland. It's that time again! In recent years, the One Love Festival was held here in Bergün Filisur on this very ground. Those are certainly large shoes to fill, but luckily, many of the old team's familiar faces are backing our project. Our Nations of Legends Festival team is a cultural melting pot of excellent ideas from many countries—so get ready to be astonished! For our first year, we've found a home at the foot of the village of Filisur, in the area of Frevgias, surrounded by breathtaking mountain flora and the serpentine Albula River. This picturesque river winds its way right through our festival grounds, offering excellent watering spots to relax and refresh. The installations, decorations, and mapping are designed to amaze and inspire you. We cannot wait to welcome you! ▓▒░░.HOW TO GET THERE.░░▒▓ 【✺】PUBLIC TRANSPORT - Plan your Travel at ❧ NORTH: From Zürich Airport / Zürich Mainstation: - Intercity Train to Chur - Change Train in Chur -> Direction Filisur - In Filisur, follow the Signs or take the free Shuttle to the Festival ❧ WEST: From Geneva: - Intercity Train to Zürich Mainstation - Change Train in Zürich -> Intercity Train to Chur - Change Train in Chur-> Direction Filisur - In Filisur, follow the Signs or take the free Shuttle to the Festival ❧ SOUTH: From Bellinzona: - Bus Nr. 26 to Thusis, Trainstation - In Thusis, Take Train Interregio to Filisur - In Filisur, follow the Signs or take the free Shuttle to the Festival 【✺】BY CAR - Plan your Travel at ❧ follow the signs and instructions once you arrive near Filisur. There is NO ACCESS for normal cars to the camping or caravan-camping-area. ❧ NORTH: - From Zürich take Highway A3 / A13 direction Chur - Take Exit Nr. 22 - Thusis Süd, direction St. Moritz / Tiefencastel / Davos - Stay on Route 417 until you arrive in Filisur ❧ WEST: - From Geneva take A1 / A3 direction Zürich - From Zürich take Highway A3 / A13 direction Chur - Take Exit Nr. 22 - Thusis Süd, direction St. Moritz / Tiefencastel / Davos - Stay on Route 417 until you arrive in Filisur ❧ SOUTH: - From Lugano / Bellinzona take Highway A13 / E43 direction Chur - Take Exit Nr. 22 - Thusis Süd, direction St. Moritz / Tiefencastel / Davos - Stay on Route 417 until you arrive in Filisur Ticketlink zum VVK