EVENT LINK HERE: https://www.facebook.com/events/8489959001113441 SHRIMPS ON BOARD - Psychedelic sail through the storm ! <ENG> It's a winter evening and in the distance, through the fog and...
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EVENT LINK HERE: https://www.facebook.com/events/8489959001113441 SHRIMPS ON BOARD - Psychedelic sail through the storm ! <ENG> It's a winter evening and in the distance, through the fog and clouds of a powerful storm caused by the opening of the portal, we can see a ship approaching us, steered by a CREW OF SHRIMPS!!! With a rhythmic and hypnotic clatter of tentacles and rattles, these creatures will guide us through the storm to the PORTAL itself! Get ready to be swept away by a wave of stunning sound, decorations and an atmosphere that shines with magic! FRACTAL BANDITS & PSYACHTRONIC squad are ready to jump aboard the shrimp ship with you and launch a sound drive that will awaken your spirit and ignite the dance floor like never before! Count on getting lost in the rhythms and ethereal melodies that will enchant your senses. Immersive decorations from ART OF AIWA and FRACTAL BANDITS will transport you on a journey through the heart of mysticism and the unknown, while the rhythms pulsate with the intensity of a winter storm, thanks to the EAC sound system! Get ready for a wild and stormy voyage, friends! <SK> Je zimný večer a v diaľke z mlhy a oblakov mohutnej búrky, spôsobenej otvorením portálu, vidno ako sa k nám približuje loď, ktorú KORMIDLUJE OSÁDKA KREVETIEK!!! Za rytmického a hypnotického klepotania tykadiel a klepietok nás tieto stvorenia prevedú búrkou až k samotnému PORTÁLU ! Pripravte sa na to, že vás strhne vlna ohromujúcich zvukov, dekorácií a atmosféry, ktorá žiari mágiou! FRACTAL BANDITS & PSYACHTRONIC squad sú pripravení spolu s vami naskočiť na palubu lode krevetiek a spustiť zvukový pohon, ktorý prebudí vášho ducha a zapáli tanečný parket ako nikdy predtým! Počítajte s tým, že sa stratíte v rytmoch a éterických melódiách, ktoré očaria vaše zmysly. Pohlcujúce dekorácie z dielne ART OF AIWA a FRACTAL BANDITS vás prenesú na cestu srdcom mystiky a nepoznaného, pričom rytmy pulzujú intenzitou zimnej búrky a to vďaka EAC sound systému ! Pripravte sa na poriadne divokú a búrlivú plavbu priatelia ! ⊶⊶⋞LINE-UP⋟⊶⊶ <-TBA-> ⊶⊶⋞TEAROOM⋟⊶⊶ 🦐ČAJODEJ https://www.facebook.com/ondra.cajodej ⊶⊶⋞DECORATIONS⋟⊶⊶ 🦐Art of AIWA /SK🇸🇰/ https://www.facebook.com/ivana.szaboova.art ⊶⊶⊶⊶⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⊶⊶⊶⊶ 🦐Fractal Bandits /SK🇸🇰/CZ🇨🇿/ https://www.facebook.com/FractalBandits/ ⊶⊶⊶⊶⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⊶⊶⊶⊶ Suprise Deco Team! ⊶⊶⊶⊶⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⊶⊶⊶⊶ ⊶⊶⋞ENTRY⋟⊶⊶ 300kč