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Event - Bild

SUMMER RAVE Frankfurt open air Bday 11 years Psychedelic Love

Party ⋅ Clubabend
Elektronische Musik ⋅ EDM ⋅ Techno

Psychedelic Love events
SUMMER RAVE Frankfurt open air Here is our first open air rave in Germany. We are really happy to finally be holding our events in Frankfurt as well, We will have 2 SUMMER RAVE events in Frankfurt ,...
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SUMMER RAVE Frankfurt open air Here is our first open air rave in Germany. We are really happy to finally be holding our events in Frankfurt as well, We will have 2 SUMMER RAVE events in Frankfurt , DATES -> 13/07/24 ■ 17/08/24 The 2 events are outdoors Day-time from 14 -22 and the Night-time is indoors from 22 - 07 . Information about tickets, hours, regulations •●■TICKETS■●• ●Day-time + Night-time● •Online - 30€ •At the door 35€ ●Day-time Outdoor ● •Online - 18€ •At the door 23€ ●Night-time Indoor● •Online - 12€ •At the door - 17€ TICKETS / https://www.eventbrite.pt/.../summer-rave-frankfurt-open... The event during the day is for all ages, under 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult, and up to 12 years of age entry is free. And the night event is for +18 it's also the 11th anniversary of Psychedelic Love events, a very special number 11 THE lUCKY The place has a bar and restaurant with a wide menu. and some vegetarian and vegan dishes will also be prepared..... In the daytime event there are no age restrictions but those under 18 will have to be accompanied by an adult who is responsible, and for the evening event only for people over 18 years old. .... Attention, birthday people have free entry , will have to show identification. .... We will also have psyshop, partyshop, body paint, juggling light show. For decoration we will have two teams that will create a psychedelic and colorful decoration and visuals by Pixel vision The tickets are on sale https://www.eventbrite.pt/.../summer-rave-frankfurt-open... SUMMER RAVE vol.2 August 17th Frankfurt https://www.facebook.com/share/oabhvQkAe1Hwibeq/ 2 Decoration teams DecoRausch https://www.facebook.com/decorausch MAGIC PROJECT https://www.facebook.com/MagicProjectdeco VISUALS by PixelVision https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100068706408537 Partyshop by PSYSHOPMARIA https://www.facebook.com/Psyshopmaria Our social media https://linktr.ee/psychedelic.love.events SEE YOU ON THE DANCE FLOOR WE ARE ONE PSYCHEDELIC LOVE

Tickets bereits ab 14,00€ bei Goabase
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